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V�rit� Sur les Sessions, Ann�es 1815 et 1816, et Aper�u Sur les �lections de 1817, Par *** [... by J A M. D'. Aur�ville, Isido... ISBN: 9781276246958 List Price: $20.75
Oeuvres Compl�tes : Contenant Quelques M�moires et une Partie de la Correspondance Officiell... by Henri Fran�ois D' Aguesseau... ISBN: 9781277343977 List Price: $45.75
Histoire de la R�volution de France : Pr�c�d�e de l'expos� Rapide des Administrations Succes... by Deux Amis De La Libert�, Fr... ISBN: 9781277351965 List Price: $33.75
Oeuvres Compl�tes : Et Pr�c�d�es Par des Recherches Sceptiques Sur le Satyricon et Son Auteu... by Arbiter, Titus Petronius, C... ISBN: 9781277403442 List Price: $36.75
Repertoire Des Jeunes Gentilshommes Admis Aux Ecoles Royales Militaires(ed.1894) (French Edi... by Hozier De Serigny a. M., Ho... ISBN: 9782012624054 List Price: $16.35
Florence Et Turin: Etudes D'Art Et de Politique, 1857-1861 (Ed.1862) (French Edition) by D. Agoult M., Marie De Flav... ISBN: 9782012664050 List Price: $25.95
Souvenirs Politiques Du Cte de Salaberry Sur La Restauration, 1821-1830. [Volume 2] (Ed.1900... by De Salaberry C. M., Charles... ISBN: 9782012770683 List Price: $24.95
Lettres Republicaines (Ed.1848) (French Edition) by D. Agoult M., Marie De Flav... ISBN: 9782012746930 List Price: $16.95
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M�moires du Mar�chal D'Estr�es : Contenant les Choses les Plus Remarquables Arriv�es Sous la... by Estr�es, Fran�ois-Annibal D' ISBN: 9781277280937 List Price: $29.75
Fabuleuse M�lodie de Fr�d�ric Petitpin by Gillmor, Don, Desjardins, R... ISBN: 9782923163307
La Voie Qui D M Le Le Silence (French Edition) by Marie-Liza Coulet ISBN: 9782810614264 List Price: $35.90
Case #1: The Mary Ellen Wilson Files by Eric A. Shelman, M. D. Step... ISBN: 9780984925537 List Price: $19.95
Woman's Crown : And Other Sacred Songs (1909) by Edghill, M., Waldegrave, Ma... ISBN: 9781167176548 List Price: $15.16
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States : To 1877 by Mary Beth Norton, David M. ... ISBN: 9780395745694 List Price: $43.16
Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience (Netter Basic Science) by Felten, David L., O'Banion,... ISBN: 9780323265119 List Price: $62.99
Advanced Accounting by Bline, Dennis M., Skekel, T... ISBN: 9780471327752 List Price: $177.95
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief, Volume B : Atlas of Amrican Hi... by Mary Beth Norton, David M. ... ISBN: 9780395745700 List Price: $32.76
People+a Nation:v.ii-text+atlas by Norton, Mary B., Katzman, D... ISBN: 9780395697757 List Price: $48.76
Progress in Mathematics, Grade K, Workbook (Progress in Mathematics Ser. 7) by Catherine D. Le Tourneau, H... ISBN: 9780821526200 List Price: $11.20
Priorities in Critica Care Nursing by Urden, Linda D., Lough, Mar... ISBN: 9780815189480 List Price: $55.01
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